The Housing & Development Board (HDB) is Singapore’s public housing authority. HDB plans and develops Singapore’s housing estates; building homes and transforming towns to create a quality living environment for all. HDB provides various commercial, recreational, and social amenities in Singapore towns for the residents’ convenience.

Building Professionals (BGBiz)

HDB has a broad array of e-Services and technical resources here to facilitate their business partners, the Building Professionals, in their work and communication. These services and resources can be accessed only by authorised users using a valid SingPass. You may get the application forms from HDB or apply for SingPass if you do not have one yet.

Renovation Contractors

Contractors should check the relevant sections for details on the rules, requirements, and guidelines for different types of works in HDB flats.

Fidecs Engineering, a BCA registered Contractor, looks forward to more HDB projects through partnerships with Planar One Associate. See Fidecs HDB projects here.

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