
FIDECS Engineering aims to excel in project management, design and installation for integrated Mechanical Ventilation Air-Conditioning, Dehumidification Systems, Ductless Car Park Ventilation System, Electrical Control and Electrical System. Our goal  is to provide cost-effective, efficient engineering solutions and value added services to our clients.


FIDECS Engineering targets to become an excellent services provider in ACMV and M&E services with consideration of the safety and welfare of our employees.


Safety is one of our most important missions and it is an inherent part of every service we provide. We strongly believe that investment in providing safety trainings adequately to our staffs and workforce will enhance jobs satisfaction to our clients. FIDECS Engineering prioritises Workplace Safety and Health for each member who works with us.


We plan our business with foresight and execute them with intelligence. We provide distinctive excellent services and solutions to meet clients’  requirements to their satisfaction.