The Land Transport Authority (LTA) spearheads land transport developments in Singapore. LTA plans, designs, builds and maintains Singapore’s land transport infrastructure and systems. LTA aspires to strengthen Singapore’s land transport connectivity and integrate a greener and more inclusive public transport system complemented by walk and cycle options. LTA harnesses technology to strengthen their rail and bus infrastructure and develops exciting options for future land transport.
Growing Singapore’s land transport network
Whatever commuter’s destination and mode of travel, Singapore’s land transport system is growing and improving to take them to their destination. More connections by rail, bus and road will make commuting more efficient and exploring more enjoyable.
LTAs’ extensive road-rail-bus network, currently serves over seven million commuters each day. This comprehensive land transport network and infrastructure continues to grow and improve. To achieve LTA’s vision for a reliable, people-centred land transport system by 2030, LTA is undertaking numerous projects to better connect people and places.
LTA is expanding the rail system, improving rail reliability and building more accessible commuter infrastructure to support growing neighbourhoods and raise connectivity to support a car-lite nation. Beyond this, LTA is also piloting new technologies and innovations to make commuting more convenient and streamlined. This will strengthen the connectivity and resilience of our land travel network by providing alternative travel routes by bus and rail.
Fidecs Engineering looks forward to more LTA projects through partnerships with Wan Chung Construction and Shincon Industrial Pte Ltd. See Fidecs projects here.